Do you ever check out Archives on blogs you regularly read or occasionally visit?
I’m embarrassed to say I have an Archive button that’s like turning on to a DEAD END street.
How about you?
Oh, you can search posts by month on my blog. So that’s good, but not really useful to a visitor.
You know that feeling when you go into a business, a store, or an office, and whoever is at the counter just ignores you?
I feel that way when I get to a blog and there’s no organization, no structure.
A blog like mine.
So I’m going public.
It’s like a 12 step thing, or Promise Keepers.
I need the accountability to shame me into making this a priority.
I thought assigning a category was all I needed to do to organize my blog.
The problem is that I’ve overused some like Faith which now has 110 posts.
Like an old attic with generations of accumulation covered in cobwebs, you couldn’t find anything even if you really wanted to.
One day I was reading a post on Grace Covers Me and I noticed her Archives.
That’s when the idea for this post began.
There’s an elegant simplicity to her organization: alphabetically arranged categories.
Why didn’t I think of that about 250 posts ago???
On her blog I found I could select a general subject from the Archives and then a title that sounded interesting.
She flags new entries, although I don’t know what criteria she applies.
I just know that I can quickly get to a topic that I’m looking for and discover others that I hadn’t originally been seeking, but find irresistible.
That’s what every blogger dreams of, a visitor who finds the content engaging 😉
So help them out by making it easy to find.
When I searched for Blog Organization, Google gave me
Her Top 10 Questions post and her 3-Steps-to-Organize Archives post are where I began, but not where I ended.
I bookmarked her blog for future reference!
I love your blog, yes, your blog!
I hope to be loving my own within the next week 😉
Got any tips to share about keeping your Blog’s ducks in a row?
I can use all the help I can get.
- Since I completed this post we found out we had a leak under a refrigerator and now we have MOLD. So my house is taped off like the scene from ET when the government surrounds the Elliot’s house.
Tomorrow they come for demo which is short for demolition. Oh, that doesn’t sound good at all.
So the blog organization just got put on the back burner.
Don’t say I don’t know how to prioritize 😉
There’s a favorite old REMIX from the Beatitudes:
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.
Into every life a little rain must fall.
Just make sure to wipe it up before 72 hours goes by!!!
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