
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

I apologize for any typos in this post, but I had macular surgery on my left eye on Monday and I’m not suppose to read.
I wanted to let those of you that follow this blog know why I haven’t been posting this week.

The very worst part of this kind of surgery is the requirement that you remain in a Face Down position for 5-7 days after surgery.
I have this special chair that makes it a little easier by allowing TV viewing thought a mirror reflection.

This little trial has given me a lot more time for prayer and spiritual reflection.
I’ve been meditating on the wonders of how our bodies are made and even God’s goodness at allowing scientific discovery and especially medical science discoveries that allow things like this to be corrected.
During the surgery I saw incredible colors and patterns splash across my eye.
I don’t know what the surgeon was doing that caused it, but I suggested they somehow film it and show it in IMAX theaters.

I’m also really thankful for the prayers of many friends and the help and support of family for meals, massage, and company during the long hours of the day spent in the face down position.

I’ve been thinking of the many shut-ins that live for years in some kind of discomfort or disability.
Now I know why they so appreciate a visit.
I have complained so often about there not being enough hours in a day.
This has opened my eyes to a new perspective, a day that seems to stretch out painfully and slowly march on minute by minute.

Here’s a word of exhortation, a verse that came to mind after friends came by with flowers, my daughter came by with yummy soup, another daughter brought dinner and stayed until my husband got home from church, and my granddaughter gave me a much appreciated neck massage.

Pure religion and undefined before God and the Father is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
James 1:27

I don’t want to sound like a celebrity who takes up a cause after it touches them, but I don’t think it hurts for all of us to be reminded that others around us can be blessed by just a sliver of our time and a little demonstration of love that says we care.

I hope to be back to blogging next week.

If you’d like to leave a prayer request I happen to have extended time open this week!


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Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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