It's a Podcast to delight your soul!
Looking for something inspiring, uplifting
and Biblical? All you're longing for is found in a
genuine connection with God.
A Divine Connection!
Modern life doesn't leave much margin for spiritual connection. It's too noisy, too cluttered and too in our face. Come away and learn how to grow your friendship with God. Let Him speak His peace to your soul.
This podcast is about learning to connect Divine Truth to daily life. We cover the big themes of God's word and how His truth can transform your life.
I spent years 'trying' and then 'trying harder' to be a good Christian. God let me struggle and fail. When I turned to Him for help He taught me how to hear His voice and follow the Holy Spirit's leading. What freedom & joy!
I'm Kelly, let's follow
Jesus together.
Everything is more fun in community. It's no surprise Jesus encouraged His followers to hang out together and find support and strength in our shared fellowship and our mutual love for Him.
Hey there!
You notice I didn't say I help women who are just too busy to pursue Jesus, or who really don't want to make Him a priority in life. Nope! Instead I'm excited by seeing women who want to grow closer and become more like Jesus discover how to do that.
My superpower is helping Christian women who are eagerly pursuing Jesus and the abundant life He promised....
one with freedom, joy, and peace.
A Perfect Marriage
is a Myth
A perfect marriage is like a unicorn, the stuff of myth and legend. But a better marriage is a choice! Here are 25 Tips to help you have a better marriage now. Grab the guide and start enjoying a better marriage now.