
Let’s Share What We Learned in November

Every month Emily Freeman has a link-up on her blog called ‘Let’s Share What We Learned in __________’, fill in the current month.

These are the things I learned in November.

1. The Holy Spirit talks to me about my own sin. Satan talks to me about my husband’s. A powerful reason to always consider the source!

2. If you forget the whipping cream for the pumpkin pie you can substitute Haagen Daz vanilla ice cream. You can probably substitute Vanilla Haagen Daz for just about anything and not get complaints.

3. Puppies are better at making grown men talk baby-talk than are actual babies. I just witnessed a deer-hunting, ocean fishing, football coaching, red-neck guy who never baby-talked to any of his 5 kids, baby-talk to Bella, an 8 week old English Golden Retriever. I don’t blame him. If she doesn’t melt your heart, then you don’t have one.

4. If you have eye surgery for a macular hole and they don’t fully numb the optic nerve you can see an amazing display of colors yet feel no pain. Think of adding drops of purple into vibrant neon yellow and swirling it a bit. The do the same with deep blue through a fuchsia-red. I told them to film it and show it at IMAX theaters, but of course I was under the influence of something the Anesthesiologist called a ‘girls just wanna have fun cocktail’.

5. It is now safe to venture out shopping on Black Friday. I was dreading it, but Black Friday morning at Walmart is a breeze because everyone else shopped on Thanksgiving Day. WHAT? That’s just crazy. I got a parking space, 4 sales associates asking to help me, and was on my way home in less than 30 minutes. Photos: parting shot of Mike who is helpful, strong, and nice. Walmart should promote him. My haul of Quads & Convertibles.

6. Blogging a Series is easier than coming up with a new and interesting topic for a post every day. I miss #31 Days 2013.

7. Albert Einstein regularly and promptly answered letters to kids. He seemed to enjoy the ones from children and was very thoughtful and never condescending in his replies.

8. is an excellent website.

9. Always back-up your computer. Always. It’s the Tech version of A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.

10. You will not remember in a year’s time which box the Christmas Lights were packed in unless you actually mark the box.

11. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. If you don’t like something in your life then change it. Stop the internal dialogue of whining, complaining, and blaming. Take responsibility and start the change process now.

12. Jesus received three gifts, one from each of the wise men. This came to me clearly in Walmart this morning. I’m practicing reasonable gift giving and keeping my focus on worship and thanksgiving for the gift God has given me in His only begotten Son.

13. Wondering whether to do something or NOT? Thomas Gilovich who studies regret found 75% regret Not doing something and only 25% doing something. Excelling in school, taking advantage of opportunities, and spending time with friends and family are the top 3 things people regret NOT doing.

14. PicMonkey is a great site because it’s easy and free. After a week I bought the upgrade for additional fonts and effects. Totally worth it!

Would you share in the comments something you learned in November?
You can read what others have learned at the link below.
Thanks to Emily for the reminder that there’s always something we can learn.

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