Getty Images Offers WordPress Users Free Images
Thursday afternoon I saw an email from WordPress announcing that Getty Images had added an embed feature and made it available free to non-commercial users.
So I took the embed feature for a test drive and started searching for images I might wanna use, maybe something with giraffes. 🦒
I need to practice with the search features because there are about 35,000-45,000 images for every search I’ve made.
That’s a lot of time invested.
Getty Images Or My Own Photos
I realized that I still like taking my own photos. Even if Getty has thousands, which they do.
For example, this morning a pair of ducks decided to make our pool and backyard their new Nursery. Before I ran to shoo them away I grabbed my camera.
Then I thought, oh, Getty Images will have some great photos.
The ducks decamped and I didn’t get a shot.
I know they’ll be back and I’m glad because in the meantime I realized I enjoy trying to capture a moment through the lens myself.
I know that sounds like a two year old. “I want to do it myself”.
It’s not the first time I’ve sounded like a two year old.
So, I’m heading out the door with my Nikon to see if there’s a giraffe in town.
Have a great Saturday and keep your eyes open for wildlife, or just life.
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