
The Deep And Real Reason Behind This Blog’s Name


What was I thinking when I named my blog???

Zero to Hero Challenge Day 2


This assignment made me think about the name I chose for this blog and in doing that I realized that on the surface it’s a TERRIBLE NAME.
Everyone wants a SIMPLE LIFE.
MAYBE EVEN AN EXCITING LIFE, but not a full life—if you take full to mean hectic, frantic, exhausting, stuck in traffic, running around like a maniac life.

But the name comes from the idea of AN ABUNDANT LIFE.  It’s the kind of life Jesus said He came to give.

My life is really full.
Really full of family, friends, fun, fulfillment, and faith.
It’s the life Jesus offered to those who were willing, by faith, to follow Him.

I have A Really Full Life, but on any given day I’m a wreck.

Still in my sweats at noon, usually blogging.  Out of milk and not an idea what I’m making for dinner is not an unusual state of affairs for me.  I’m not a high powered productivity maven, I can barely keep up with the laundry and recycling.  I start projects I don’t finish.  I buy a whole entire cookbook and only make one recipe.   My Inbox is overflowing with hundreds of unread emails.  How did they even get my email?  And most days I wouldn’t change a thing!

It is not enough to be busy. . .The question is what are we busy about?
Henry David Thoreau

 I’m living the life God gave me, and loving it.  And it’s A REALLY FULL LIFE.

In a little more than a week my husband and I are off to Africa again for 6 weeks of ministry.  The conditions will be awful, but we’ll have a ball. We’ll drive hundreds of miles on roads that will shake the fillings out of your teeth.  It’ll be 113 degrees and there won’t be a bathroom within 50 miles.  There will be bugs.  Big bugs.  And spiders.  Big spiders.

But there will be people who are hungry to hear about God.  In the US everyone has heard.  Not really, but most act like you’re trying to sell them an expensive badly built vacuum instead of telling them how much God loves them.  There’s no scarcity of Biblical truth here and we’re such a rich nation it’s easy to ignore the deeper spiritual needs when there’s so much around to distract and preoccupy us.


Speeding past New York City’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

This is how our lives go by.  Super fast.  It’s all a blur.  
I believe what the Bible teaches about life and death.
It’s kind of like the old beer commercial:  You only go around once, so you better grab all the gusto you can get.
BUT—I’d forget the gusto and focus on planning for what comes after this life.
Can we know for certain?

Regardless of what I say others will say no.
That’s where faith comes in.
Not just wishful thinking.  Faith.
Faith is an assurance of something hoped for based on the fact that God Almighty has promised it.
Like this.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.”
John 11:25-27

Jesus talked a lot about what happens after this life.  It’s like this life is a little point on a very long infinite, in fact, timeline.  I’m willing to live my life now based on what I believe I know to be true.
In case you were just here following the Zero To Hero Challenge and you feel we drifted into the deep waters, I’ll walk us back to the shallows with the immortal words of an NBA superstar.

I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
Charles Barkley

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Hi, I'm Kelly

Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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