

Update My Life

Update My Life

We need an UPDATE button for Life.

Monday Elon Musk announced his plans for the Hyperloop, a futuristic alternative to California’s proposed High-Speed Rail.
In the 57 page pdf Musk makes his case for the Hyperloop adding that a Star Trek like teleportation system would be even better.

Short of figuring out real teleportation, which would of course be awesome (someone please do this),

Yes, would someone please do that.
While they’re at it, could they come up with an UPDATE button for my life?

I love that my computer’s software and my iPhone and iPad apps all have updates.
My favorite update is the kind that fixes bugs and eliminates crashes.

Now do you see where I’m going with this?
Could you use an UPDATE button for your life?

Remember the old TV series Boston Legal?
James Spader had a great line once about getting the top brains in the country together to solve vexing problems like regular citizens who happen to have names that show up on Homeland Security’s No Fly List.

Let’s get the Steves together. Let’s get the Steves on this. Maybe they could figure out a solution.

That’s not the exact quote, but I think it’s close.
The Steves, of course, were Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Steve Ballmer.

Well Steves, make room for Elon.
But, he’s too busy with Tesla and other projects to carry the Hyperloop to completion.
So he generously publicized the plans and hopes that someone else will undertake what is sure to be a 1000 headaches-a-day project.

I’m not dissing him. I’m not ungrateful.
I’d love to go from SF to LA in 30 minutes for less than $50.00.
Imagine all the great shows, events, and beach days we Northern Californians could experience.
It just struck me as funny that we don’t have High-Speed Rail or the Hyperloop yet, but he thinks teleportation would be an even better solution:-)
So I thought if we’re just throwing our WISHES in the ring, I’d ask for an UPDATE button for life.

As for my current UPDATE button, I still have the 1.0 version.
It fixes bugs and eliminates crashes.
But it requires manual operation.
I have to get it off the shelf and open it, along with my heart, for it to work.



Words to Live By

Words to Live By

I read a survey that found 61% of people who own a Bible wish they read it regularly.
Only 13% read it daily.
If you’d like to read it daily, but never fit it into your schedule, you might find that getting it on a mobile device increases your likelihood of success.
I get it by email from Bible

Read through the Bible in a year with new Bible Gateway reading plans!

YouVersion is another great resource.


And there are free Bible apps too.
I like Olive Tree and the new ESV Bible on my iPhone.
These technology tools help me redeem the time when the Doctor is running behind schedule or I’m stuck somewhere standing in a mile long check-out line.

I’m curious about you.
What helps you fix bugs and eliminate crashes in your life?
Or, what project would you ask a Crazy-Smart person to work on for the greater good of humanity?

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Hi, I'm Kelly

Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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