
Finding The Place Where The Light Comes In

cave opening into light


God does work in strange ways.


At least in my life.
Strange, but disguised as natural.  In this case He has held in reserve for the perfect time a needed word and then delivered it at the time when it would have maximum impact for heart comfort, mind clarity, and soul peace.

I missed the entry for June 11th in an ancient tattered devotional I’m reading through—yet another time.
It’s called Daily Strength For Daily Needs.

I didn’t need this word on the 11th.
I didn’t need it until the 13th and so my heavenly Father let my interest drift to another book for two days and my bookmark stayed tucked in-between the 10th and the 11th.

And on a morning that found me feeling weak and discouraged and in need of light from above to pierce the darkness, my God delivered.
He came through.
He always does.

Absolutely nothing has changed.

Nothing but me.

The entry for the 11th has three parts and a line from the middle one, the one written in ye old language, jumped off the page and slathered me with proverbial ‘the Balm of Gilead’. ( Jer. 8:22)

Let me paraphrase it for you.

Yes, though you can’t believe, don’t give in to discouragement or panic; instead “sink into, or at least pant after the hidden measure of life”—and you know where to find it.  It’s in God who calls you to patience—the daily expression and evidence of your faith in Him, to be still and know that He is God, to cling to Him in hope, to wait on Him to renew your strength, and to sit at your Father’s feet in silence.



Light arises in the darkness for the upright;
He is gracious and compassionate and righteous.
Psalm 112:4


In His grace and compassion He let the light shine into my life, my mind, my heart this morning.


We don’t have Testimonial Meetings any more in Church.
We don’t have the time, or maybe the interest, and we gotta get it all done in an hour, or an hour and a half tops.
If we did have Testimonials I’d share this story.

A real life example of how the true and living God, the world making, outside of time God, planned and carried out the delivery of light just as the darkness closed in on one of His children.

I’d want to say Thank You out loud.  
I’d want to declare it in the congregation of the righteous, I’d want to tell the mighty, yet everyday works of the LORD on behalf of His children.

What’s your need today?  
Where has the darkness crept in and blocked the light?

~ Here’s the entry from Daily Strength For Daily Needs ~

June 11

In the day when I cried Thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.–PS. 138:3.

It is not that I feel less weak, but Thou
Wilt be my strength; it is not that I see
Less sin; but more of pardoning love with Thee,
And all-sufficient grace. Enough! And now
All fluttering thought is stilled; I only rest,
And feel that Thou art near, and know that I am blest.

Yea, though thou canst not believe, yet be not dismayed thereat; only do thou sink into, or at least pant after the hidden measure of life, which is not in that which distresseth, disturbeth, and filleth thee with thoughts, fears, troubles, anguish, darknesses, terrors, and the like; no, no! but in that which inclines to the patience, to the stillness, to the hope, to the waiting, to the silence before the Father.

We have only to be patient, to pray, and to do His will, according to our present light and strength, and the growth of the soul will go on. The plant grows in the mist and under clouds as truly as under sunshine. So does the heavenly principle within.


You can read from Daily Strength For Daily Needs through


Photo Sebastian Boguszewicz

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Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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