Passions & Pursuits

Saturday Afternoons

I'm Kelly!

My passion is to help you discover how God’s word can reach down into your heart and produce amazing transformations in you, your relationships, and your influence in the world around you.

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woman reading a book

The bliss of a good book.


What’d you do today?

Chores, errands, coach your kid’s baseball game?
Did your day feel like another day at work, but without pay?

Don’t hate me, but today was fun.
I felt a little like Huck Finn playing hooky from school.
I have all these flowers waiting to be artfully arranged in my big terra cotta pots, where they can put down roots and live out their short ‘annual’ lives under the light shade of the patio.  But the wind is blowing and stirring up all the Spring pollen, so I retreated inside.  Oh, there’s plenty to do in the house, but I had about 100 pages left in ‘my book’, and I surrendered.
What can I say in my defense?
Freudian slip there.
My book is John Grisham’s newest Courtroom novel.
I succumbed to my weakness, took off the gardening gloves, put up my feet, and read.
I read a real book.  A hardback book.  And I loved it.
If anyone had asked me what I wanted for Mother’s Day I’d say, another good book and a windy afternoon to justify staying inside and reading.

I’ve been in love with John Grisham ever since the early 90’s when I read The Firm.
Not the man, the author.
He’s a weaver of tales, a teller of stories, and I can’t get enough.
The South is to me, Grisham’s South.  A place of outward civility and a dark underbelly of racial injustice.
He now has to share it with Mary Kay Andrews though.  Her South is populated with ‘strong southern women’ and great antiques.

Long before books on tape, or eBooks, I enjoyed the feel of holding a book and reading.
Today reaffirmed that tactile experience.

Are you a Grisham fan?
Then Sycamore Row won’t disappoint.
Here’s a synopsis from Grisham’s website

WHILE YOU”RE THERE, read his Bio.
It reminds me of Daniel Silva, author of The Unlikely Spy
A Wall Street guy who had a fascination with WWII and who got up very early to work on his novel before going to work.
I guess you get to the top of the NY Times Booklist one day at a time 😀 and without giving up your Day Job.

Grisham’s novels are stand alones and the characters live and die, so to speak, within the pages of a single book.
I’m sure he could write a series, but hasn’t done so yet.
If you have a little OCD, like me, here’s a list in chronological order.

For Summer Fluff and Beach Reads may I suggest Mary Kay Andrews.
I started with her Savannah series, but went on to devour them all.

I also like Wendy Wax and Grace Greene when it’s too hot to be in a stuffy courtroom!
I buy them used & in paperback.
It’s just us girls as we float in the pool on really hot July and August afternoons.

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My passion is to help you discover how God’s word can reach down into your heart and produce amazing transformations in you, your relationships, and your influence in the world around you. 
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Hi, I'm Kelly

Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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