
Skinny Souls


And He gave them their request,
But sent leanness into their soul.
Psalm 106:15


Be careful about the things you desire?


We put ourselves in at risk spiritually when we won’t trust God to bring into our lives everything that’s good for us.

Learning to trust Him to do the editing of our lives is key to our own happiness.
An excellent and experienced Senior Editor, He adds and subtracts, corrects and modifies the content of our lives crafting a tightly knit story that clings faithfully to His unique vision for each one of us.

Do we trust Him with this? Do we believe He knows what He’s doing?


When I read the Bible I look for the lessons that can apply RIGHT NOW TO MY OWN LIFE.


I don’t need cutting edge theology.
I’m looking for something to live on every day, something to feed my soul and guide my life.

Psalm 106:15 is a cautionary tale for all of us.
It’s a neon sign flashing a warning: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU DESIRE.

Take the time to read through Psalm 105.
It tells the story of God’s goodness to Israel and their deliverance from their bondage in Egypt.
It’s chock full of miracles and divine and provision.
Beginning at His covenant with Abraham and ending with the Exodus from Egypt in joy and gladness, Psalm 105 recounts the story of how God fulfilled every promise to Israel.


In light of that we come to Psalm 106 and find that Israel soon forgot all of God’s works and decided not to wait for His plan to unfold. (Psalm 106:13 NIV)


They jumped into the editing process, grabbing the red pencil, they wrote in the lines they wanted to add.

They demanded the story include the thing they wanted. God uses the word ‘lusted’. That means an intense yearning, an eagerness to possess or enjoy.

They wanted meat not manna.
Grumbling and disgusted with God’s meal plan, they yearned for the Egyptian fare they’d had as slaves.
Memory wears rose colored glasses!!!

God gave them what they demanded, but sent leanness to their souls.


I don’t want a skinny soul, do you?

Give me a fat soul! Fat and Flourishing 😉 (Ps. 92:14)

Lord give us everything in Your version and plan, faith to trust You with the editing, and the fat soul You promised to those who put their trust in You.

People who think they are free eventually end up slaves to their own desires, and those who give their freedom away to the only One you can trust with that freedom eventually get it back.
Philip Yancey

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Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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