House & Home

Smorgasbord: Please Choose What You Like


Today we have a Smorgasbord of offerings that touch on the spiritual, physical, and practical aspects of our daily lives.

Get a short devotional message from Anne Graham Lotz delivered to your Inbox daily.
Anne is not only a serious Bible student and gifted teacher, she’s also a woman who has struggled with many of the same issues we face.
Every day her thoughts on God’s word speak faith and strength, peace and comfort into my life.

Find the resources and information you need to get and stay healthy. Dr. Kelly Brogan specializes in Holistic Women’s Health Psychiatry.
Begin with the two minute video message from Dr. Brogan for an introduction to her practice and how you can benefit from her research and discoveries.
Topics such as Insomnia, Gut Health/Immune System, Foods, and even Happiness are discussed in videos offered here.
Our hormones, pregnancy, childbirth, and even our diets can create health challenges unique to women.
I think you’ll find reliable and helpful information here.
And it’s all free and available at your convenience.

Achieve the changes you want and need with help from Lift.
Have you been wanting to start an exercise program, a consistent Daily Devotional practice, or Weekly Meal Planning?
Sometimes a little help with structure and planning are all we need to start something new and beneficial.
Get a little help from the good folks at Lift.

Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
Nathaniel Emmons

Research indicates that it takes about 21 days to make create a new habit.
Start today and by Christmas you’ll have developed the habit of . . .

Two Home Maintenance Resources
Filtered water from the refrigerator tastes great.
It also helps cut down on grocery bills when we’re no longer buying, and lugging home, all those plastic bottles.
But, it only works if you actually change the filter periodically.
If you’re like me you have great intentions, but every time you think of it you remember you have to make a trip to Home Depot to buy a new filter first.
These nice people at send me the right kind of filter at the right time.
They even send me reminder emails so that I don’t run out of filters.
I know they do this for their bottom line not my higher good, but either way it gets DONE.
Which it didn’t before I found them.

I file this under the Make it Easy on Yourself category.

A Better Way to Clean Your Pipes
I have always kept a bottle of Liquid Plumber around to use if drains get slow.
I literally can’t stand a shower that keeps the icky water pooling around my feet.
It grosses me out.
Allow me to introduce you to Bio-Clean Septic Bacteria.
It smells bad, and you have to remember to use it for 5 consecutive days the first time, but it’s so worth it.
No more sluggish drains and it works in a good way, not in a harsh chemical way.

Let’s end where we began, with the spiritual

The Lies I Love to Hear.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the lies I’m happy to believe and the truth I should tell myself instead.
The convenient self-serving lie is most often carnality in disguise.
No wonder I hang on so tightly.
So I’ve begun a collection of the truths I need to tell myself.
The first is about faith.

Tell Yourself the Truth
About Faith
I don’t need more faith; I need more sanctification.
It’s not that I don’t believe God can work in any and all
circumstances in my life; it’s really that I’m not convinced
His will is preferable to my will concerning my own life.
I think I will like my plans better.
I believe my choices for myself are better than God’s choices for me,
and by better, I don’t mean morally higher or spiritually superior,
I mean specifically that I will be happier with my own choices than
I will be with the choices God will make for my life.
My choices give me my way.
My choices make things easier for me.
My choices take back from God my life.
A life I surrendered to Him over 42 years ago.
My choices mean I have reneged on a commitment.
But, they don’t demonstrated God’s grace to others around me.
They don’t bring glory to His name.
They don’t bring lasting joy to me.
They produce no fruit unto righteousness.
They don’t please God.
This is really the truth.

What’s the favorite lie you tell yourself?
What’s the truth that can shatter that lie?

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My passion is to help you discover how God’s word can reach down into your heart and produce amazing transformations in you, your relationships, and your influence in the world around you. 
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Hi, I'm Kelly

Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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These actionable tips will help you to create a better marriage starting today. A perfect marriage is a myth, but a better marriage is a choice!

“When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” - Proverbs 31:26

© Kelly J. Grace 2021. All rights reserved. | Photo Credit | Site by TONIC
