
I write for you, sharing truth that speaks to your most cherished relationships and most important responsibilities. 

The Blog


kids at window


He taught our kids about how to know God We came grudgingly. We were groggy, hungry, and grumpy. Resigned, resentful, and with rebellion in our hearts, but we came. We came and sat on chairs and sofas. He opened in prayer, read a passage, and then asked us a few questions. Boredom was the rule […]

REad post

Welcome to the Blog

I write for you, sharing the truth that speaks to your most cherished relationships and important responsibilities. I write about God so you can know Him more intimately and trust Him more completely. I write about Family because I know where your heart is. I write about faith because without it it's impossible to please God. I write about Marriage because though deeply satisfying it can be extremely challenging. I write about Christian Parenting because getting the job done well is so essential and time is not on your side.


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My passion is to help you discover how God’s word can reach down into your heart and produce amazing transformations in you, your relationships, and your influence in the world around you. 
 Sound good?

Hi, I'm Kelly

Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist

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Divine Connections Podcast provides encouragement and inspiration on the go. Now you can feed your soul while taking care of ‘all the things’. Whether you’re folding laundry, commuting, or taking the kids to the park, spiritual self-care just got easier. 

LISTEN to the most recent episode →


God is waiting to share His heart with you and help you find His purposes for today and every day. He wants to bless and inspire you. And He wants to give you an opportunity to do something with an eternal consequence today.

Finding Your Way Back into Hope

Featured Podcast Episode

FInding hope again after your life takes an unwelcome turn can be a challenge. It's easy to lose our equilibrium when our plans get disrupted and the doors of opportunity swing shut. But ,in Christ, there is always HOPE in capital letters!As believers we know that He makes all things beautiful in His time. 


