
The Single Biggest Reason You Feel Old

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It’s not your age that makes you feel old; it’s giving up on your dreams.


Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth,
Before the difficult days come,
And the years draw near when you say,
“I have no pleasure in them”
Ecclesiastes 12:1

The pleasure in life is primarily found in creating something of genuine value.

When we give up our dreams and aspirations,  our desire to ‘build’ something constructive, something good, the energy goes out of our lives like air out of a balloon.  Remember the vibrance your life had when you were newlyweds?
You two were creating a marriage.
Then maybe children came along and you were establishing a family.  Finding your way, solving problems, adding to the structure of your lives together.

Even if those phases of your life are complete, you can still tap into that energy source right now.


The simple cure is to revive your passions and dreams.


Toward the end of King David’s life he decided on one last major project.
Sitting in his own palace prompted him to think about building a house for God in Jerusalem.  He told the prophet Nathan about his big idea and he agreed it was a swell plan.  But, that night God spoke to Nathan and said, ‘Not so fast’.
Well God was more eloquent.
He included lots of nice things about the future of David’s offspring and that one of David’s son’s would be able to carry out the building project.

David spent the rest of his years as king gathering all the money and many of the materials that would be needed for the construction of the Temple.  He bought cedar trees from Lebanon, and prepared iron for the nails, and he had men who were skilled at masonry hew the giant stones for the foundation.   He amassed 4,000 tons of gold, 40,000 tons of silver, and more iron and bronze than could be weighed.


What can any of that mean for you and me?

We’re not kings and we aren’t in a position to undertake anything of that magnitude.

Here’s the point:
The last thing David wanted to do in his life was to offer something significant to God.


In this case, it was the thought that counted.
God was pleased with David’s desire.

Yesterday I wrote about wrong desire.  But, there is such a thing as godly desire.
Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek above all else the kingdom of God.

Is there any desire in your heart for that?

When Jesus was on earth He began the work of establishing God’s kingdom, of building God’s family.
Near the end of His time with us He said this:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
John 14:12


There’s time and energy left in your life to do something meaningful for God.

Why not set aside some time, whatever your life allows and seek the Lord?
Ask Him to show you how to dream again, ask him for a plan to create something amazing and worthwhile.

There are no super saints, just regular people who tap into what God is doing somewhere and find a part to call their own.

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