
The Role You Were Born To Play

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
From As You Like It, by William Shakespeare

Our lives would be easier if we had a script to go by.
If we knew what others would do and say.
If we had a director to guide the action.
If we just knew how it all turned out.
And on some days, we had a chance to do things over because we bungled it the first time.

The Bible says, “we spend our years as a tale that is told”.
Have you thought of your life that way?
As a story God is telling.

What role were you born to play?

Johnny Depp was captivating as the pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow, in Pirates of the Caribbean. He had just the right accent, was dashing and handsome in a grimy sort of way, endearing and devilish, a hero and a villain rolled into one.
Easy for him, he was working from a script!

Some people have beautiful life stories filled with love, faith, good health, and great happiness. Others live through harrowing times and devastating events. We choose parts of our lives. Paths we take, people we marry, careers we pursue, but all of us experience the ‘unchosen’ and have to deal with the ‘unwanted’ from time to time.
Circumstances we’d refuse to take delivery on if the UPS guy was trying to leave them on the doorstep.
No way I’m signing for this!!!
Carry that right back to the truck.
Don’t even think of leaving it here.

At the end of Psalm 90 Moses makes six specific prayer requests about his life.
We can’t choose or refuse a lot of what happens in our lives, but these six requests can help us each to discover the story God intends to tell through our lives.
They can help us play our part with passion and grace.
And squeeze all the happiness possible out of our brief time on stage.

Try reading through Psalm 90:12-17 in your own favorite Bible version, then put these 6 requests into your own words.

Here’s my list of these six requests:

  1. Teach me how to cherish every single day and live it purposefully, believing You really cares about this very day and how I live it.
  2. Have compassion on me as I try to walk with You because I blow it a lot.
  3. Every morning let your mercy fill me up, causing a holy gladness that lasts all day long, I mean every single minute.
  4. Let the gladness you give heal up my hurts and erase my regrets so I don’t indulge in self-pity or whining.
  5. Show me my part in the work You’re doing in my corner of the world and let my kids see how awesome You really are.
  6. Make my life divinely beautiful, the way only You can, and let it have eternal value and consequence.

Have you found the role you were born to play?
I’d love to hear your response to this passage from Psalm 90.
Share your version of the requests if you’d like.

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Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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