
Under A Dark Tree Called Envy

Under A Dark Tree Called Envy


Under the dark shadow of a tree called envy

distorted all things will appear

lines and contours grotesquely twisted

the horizon stands up on its ear


The world and reality bent out of shape

by a heart so damaged it just can’t see straight

pride greed and malice companions these three

cling tightly to envy like roots to a tree


And roots they are of the foulest kind

nourishing self til they make it divine


St. Paul named himself Wretched and pled for release

from the body of death and the sin that won’t cease


And thanked with his next breath our God great and good

Who through Christ and His cross cut the root where it stood

Planting His Spirit down deep in its place

giving it new life and a wellspring of grace


Let another tree grow instead God said

casting light not a shadow ‘ore all

one whose leaves never wither

nor dry up and fall

bearing fruit we call love

offered joyfully to all


Envy= a painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage, to begrudge.

. . .Love envies not
1 Corinthians 13: 4


I’ve been thinking recently about the damaging emotions that suck the love and joy from our lives.

Maybe you’ve seen quotes and graphics on FB and Pinterest with things like ‘Comparison is a thief’.
It’s true, but the deeper problem is rooted in our hearts.

It began in the garden and has been part of man’s experience ever since.
We want more.

We want what others have.  
Their job, their hair, their money, their spouse.
The list is endless.

But, our faith should give us respite from the old cycle.

It should convince our minds that God is a generous and wise giver.
We’re counseled “Be content with such things as you have.”

I’ve experienced envy, as you can tell from the poem!
It’s not pretty.

It calls up the most evil of feelings and will ultimately find it’s way to what you say because ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth WILL SPEAK’.


I wrote the definition of envy on a post-it note and tucked it in my Bible so that painful or resentful awareness would be a cue to me that I was not being controlled by the Spirit and not walking in love.

It’s brought me joy and a deeper fellowship as I LEAN INTO GOD when I feel that old painful resentment.

Until we escape these bodies we are going to have to cope with temptation!

Make a plan for yourself!!!
How are you going to break the cycle of temptation and sin that leads to broken fellowship and diminished joy in your life?


What dark Gremlins stalk your heart and lurk in your thoughts?
How can you rebuff their efforts?

Faith isn’t a feeling.
It’s a deep conviction, a belief, that God has told us the truth.
What truth has God shared that relates to your Gremlins?


And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
John 8:32


If you struggle but don’t know where to find truth that will build your faith and help you battle the Gremlins—leave a comment and I’ll respond with some truth to help you 😉

We all struggle with sin, but God wants us to walk in the light not live in the shadows.



Photo by Ales Krivec

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Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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