
How To Touch God With Your Faith

I'm Kelly!

My passion is to help you discover how God’s word can reach down into your heart and produce amazing transformations in you, your relationships, and your influence in the world around you.

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It's one big job made up of a million little ones. You've got this!

It's the secret sauce for your Christian life.


The idea that we can do anything that touches God, anything that pleases Him should make us sit up and pay attention.


We all struggle at times to know just how to please those we love.
But God has made it really easy for us to please Him.


He removed all the guess work and with the tender vulnerability of one who wants to be loved, He told us His heart.



If we want to please God, all we have to do is show our faith in Him.
We have to implement faith.  Take it beyond Sunday and let it define and dictate every day of the week, in every part of our lives.


God shows us important spiritual truths through the lives of people.


We don’t have to sit around asking ourselves, ” what does faith look like in real life?”
The Bible is jam packed with the stories of people trying to live by faith and of others who are just trying to get what they want when they want it.
It’s all there, the unvarnished truth about faith and doubt.
How it looks while it’s happening and how it turns out in the end.


Abraham is the Poster Child of Faith.
From him we learn to cut our ties to the things of this world and step out in faith to follow God’s plan.

Yep, the plan that only shows us the very next step.  Like the GPS in my car.  In 800 feet turn left onto _______________ Street.

God knew it would be scary and sometimes frustrating to us, but each step we take encourages us to take another.

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

When we live our faith we discover that God rewards us with Himself.

And in the end that’s the real desire of every heart.

Abraham stumbled, he didn’t always respond in faith.  He took some wrong turns, he got off on the wrong exit more than once, but he had learned one  key lesson of faith:  only want what God gives you.


That one lesson can save us so much heartache.


When we let the world around us dictate what we want and ‘need’ life gets very complicated very quickly.

After Abraham had demonstrated his faith by refusing any of the spoils of victory, God came to him in a vision.

After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
Genesis 15:1


Is God Himself enough for us?
He’s asking us to trust Him, to have a little faith.

Touch Him with your faith today.
If you’re stressed and striving after something, stop and ask Him if it’s for you.
If it’s not, then choose to let it go.


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My passion is to help you discover how God’s word can reach down into your heart and produce amazing transformations in you, your relationships, and your influence in the world around you. 
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Hi, I'm Kelly

Blogger, Jesus Girl, Grace-believing optimist


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“When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” - Proverbs 31:26


© Kelly J. Grace 2021. All rights reserved. | Photo Credit | Site by TONIC